CNC GUIDE – computer simulator of Fanuc controls – instructions on how to download, install and configure the software

Until the end of December 2021, we have the opportunity to test computer simulator of Fanuc control for free. So if you use this control, program, set, train, it’s worth it because … it costs you nothing.

On the myFanuc website you can read more about both the offer and the software. With the lockdowns starting, Fanuc “reached out” to customers / users and allowed their CNC simulator to be tested for free for quite a long time. As I can see from forums and internet groups that some people have problems with installation and settings, let’s try to go through the process together.

First of all, registration

The condition for free installation and testing is registration on the portal (you can click on the link HERE). Registration has no disadvantages, and the advantages include access to materials and machine documentation. After completing the basic personal data in the first window and passing Next, complete the fields with the request for access to sources (such as machine documentation and CNC Guide software).

I will not limit myself – I mark everything.

Access is not granted automatically – we have to wait a little.

This is what it looks like after logging in to the website before we get access
This view is more pleasing to the eyes – access has been granted and you can start downloading files.

I encourage you to download, in addition to the installation, a specially prepared installation and software setup instructions. I can assure you that it will come in handy.

1, 2, 3… installation

We unpack the files and run the installation

Click on the AutoRun executive file

Follow the steps below – everything goes smoothly.

We don’t have a lot of choice when it comes to the language, but even someone who is weak in English can handle it.
Traditional “next-> next-> next” 😉
“Admin” prompted me and I leave it like that
I leave the default folder, personally I don’t like spreading installed programs around different places on the disk.
We go and take it all.
Magic “Install” and we’re going on
It’s almost the end…

Software configuration

If we try to open something, we have the above message. For the software to work, we need to take a moment more to configure the license key
We go to Settings and then Advanced system settings
We will create a new System Variable
Enter the Name and Value according to the downloaded instruction – chapter 3.2 Setting License Key and confirm with OK
If everything is ok then our variable appears on the list
Obrazek posiada pusty atrybut alt; plik o nazwie obraz-23.png

Let’s try to run the Setting Management Tool

Obrazek posiada pusty atrybut alt; plik o nazwie obraz-24.png
We go to the License tab
Obrazek posiada pusty atrybut alt; plik o nazwie obraz-28.png
Enter everything as above (according to the instructions) and click on Diagnosis.
Obrazek posiada pusty atrybut alt; plik o nazwie obraz-29.png
-> OK -> Save-> Close
Shall we make a test? Yes, of course
Obrazek posiada pusty atrybut alt; plik o nazwie obraz-31-1024x802.png

Everything was successful. In the next “good night fairy tail” a little about how to use the software, how to add a machine, etc.

Not sponsored post. We are happy to promote free access to knowledge – e-cnc-art likes it 😉